Perception and value:


Truth. You are not the things that you own, just as the money that you earn does not define you. Money is a tool to move things back and forth, from one owner to the next. There was a time when money wasn’t necessary. We simply bartered and traded as we needed things. At some point we let the idea of money control, manipulate and then eventually own us. The world has gotten to the point that if you do not have money, then you are not allowed to exist. What I want you to see and recognize here is your self worth. Your money does not define you. The more you own who you are, the more you move into your self worth. And when you authentically change the value of who you are, people stop and recognize this. You should stand in your own self worth until people start to seek you out just for your perceived value. There is a light and dark aspect to this intention of course. It can be done in service to all, and in service to self. Those who follow the path of integrity will recognize the worth of self mastery. Those who ultimately stand in their own power, have great self worth and understanding. Own who you are, let the world bring you your abundance. And remember, there was a time...


-the hand of God