About Reiki

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Why you may want a healing?

People request a healing for a whole variety of reasons. Some have just gone through a tough emotional period in their life and want something to help them move on. Another individual may have an emotional wound /trauma from early childhood and they have carried this issue into adulthood. In some rare cases I've helped move stuck energy that a client is carrying from a previous lifetime/past life. I have also found people just need to de-stress from the day to day grind of work and family life. It is important to note this is not a cure all and for the absolute best results, repeat sessions are recommended to observe noted progress.


What to expect from a healing session?

To start, energy healing is very gentle and relaxing for the person receiving it. During a healing session first and foremost my intention is to relax and calm the client's mind. It is common for people to fall asleep on the table. While I am healing, I will be placing my hands on and around the energy centers (Chakras) located throughout the body. This requires light physical touch during the healing session. A typical session lasts about forty five minutes. After your healing drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol.


What is a Chakra energy center?

Chakra is the Sanskrit word, that literally means wheel. Throughout the human body, for a trained healer they can be observed and physically felt as wheels of energy spinning. Each and every chakra carries energies representing issues having to do with our beliefs about family, self image, money, sex, God and love. When emotional trauma is experienced, the Chakras can stop moving correctly causing energy to stagnate until the issue gets resolved. The healer precipitates this process by gently moving and spinning the chakra back into normal flow. It is the belief among healers that all “dis-ease” starts on an energetic level first.


The seven primary Chakras

Each energy center has its own color, emotional issue, note, and link to the endocrine system.

1. Base of Tailbone (Red) - issues of family and culture, religion, fight or fight.

2. Sacral (Orange) - issues of money, sexuality, relationships, and intimacy.

3. Solar Plexus (Yellow) - emotions, self esteem, self worth.

4. Heart (Green and Rose) - giving and receiving love. Ability to channel love and healing energies.

5. Throat (Blue/Turquoise) - owning your power, speaking your voice, being heard.

6. Third Eye (Indigo) - vision, willingness to see, psychic vision.

7. Connection to God (White/Violet) - spirituality, connection to the soul.


What is Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is a laying on of hands healing modality. It goes much deeper than Reiki however. EM, takes a look at your energy Psychology. It addresses the emotional issue attached to each energy center in your body. So, is your character type, rigid, oral, psychopathic, or masochistic? We are each made up of a combination of these defenses depending on what our childhood experiences were. Also each one of these types causes you to hold energy in your body in different areas. Then beyond this the healer starts to look into what that exact core wound was that helped create the person you are today. Your energy tells a fascinating story about who you are. Listen to your body.