message from Metatron

“Great Understanding”


The world isn’t what it used to be, but maybe that’s a good thing. Change is also inevitable, even for us angels. The heavens are standing still, but we are evolving none the less. The war of light and dark rages on here... We come and go to help mankind, for it is our purpose to do so.

  The thing is that we all understand that you each must personally grow and evolve on your own schedule, and we are rooting for you. We are your cheerleaders, even if you do not believe that we exists, and it is we who are ready for this next transition that is to come for humanity. What changes might this mean? Well, let us say this... Look inwards and it will be stars, look outwards and there will be a darkness. The truth of your reality is unfolding, but we cannot say how it is to be. It is the All Father who gets to make these decisions, or is it the hands of fate? The inevitable is coming, of that we are certain. Rest assured, peace comes as it has been promised to you. -Lorde Metatron, king of the angels


Channeled by Craig

In service to all and the one